Izskatās jaunā it'girl ir gatava haosam, pēdējā GG sezonā!
Serēna sastapsies ar šķēršļiem, lai iegūtu jauno simpātiju - Stīvenu Spensu (Barijs Votsons). Ir zināms, ka modele Zoja Ageliki atveidos Natašu, jauno Serēnas pretinieci un Stīvena māsu.
Vai tiešām mēs esam ieguvuši jaunu Beatrisi Grimaldi?
Dont Go Down!
╬═╬Are you listening to me? Don't go!
╬═╬Hello...? I said don't go.
╬═╬Stop it! Don't go down.
╬═╬Okay. If you wanna be like that then go.
╬═╬You are still headstrong and you aren't listening to me...
╬═╬I can't talk to you anymore.
╬═╬You listen to me! ...don't goo down there!
╬═╬Can you please just listen to me ?
╬═╬You're dumb if you go down there.
╬═╬Ok I'm not going to tell you again...don't go.
╬═╬....Seriously I SAID STOP!!
╬═╬Are you bored yet?
╬═╬Last chance ...don't go there..
╬═╬You will now have five years of bad luck unless you post this on five different photo